Re: [Evolution] Evolution display width too large

On Tue, 2016-10-04 at 14:18 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote:
On Tue, 2016-10-04 at 13:12 +0200, Tom wrote:
is there a hardcoded minimum width for the Evolution main window ?
The Evolution window of my versions seems to necessitate a width of
more than 1024 pixels ???

Some components displayed in the UI need a certain minimum width.
Hence the total of that creates some minimum width. Whatever that
value is.

it's just as Andre said. To make it clearer, the width of the message
list (eventually including preview panel, for wide views) is usually
defined by the widgets above it, namely the line with filter settings,
which can read:

   Show: [ All Messages    | v ] Search: [  ....     ] in [ Current Folder   | v]

See which of them cannot be minimized and uses too much space. For
example, the "All Messages" combo stores also Labels. If you've any
with a too long name, then the combo will not get below the width of
it, or any other longest value is stores.

There can be also other reasons, but this particular panel made the
trouble in the past. Once upon a time, the panel could wrap, but then
it was dropped, as it looked odd. The current (in terms of
3.22/3.20/...) state is that the bar can be hid on resize, thus some
parts of it are not shown fully, if needed. Your ancient 3.2.3 doesn't
do that, I believe (well, you might not ask otherwise, but I do not
recall when exactly the change had been done; I'm sorry).

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