Re: [Evolution] IMAP - Junk and Trash folder appear twice

On Sat, 2016-05-14 at 17:16 +0300, Prometheus wrote:
I am on Evolution / Debian stretch - Gnome 3.20

On every IMAP mail account i have i get two times a Junk and a Trash
folder. The one is local and the other is the on-line folder, apart
from my hotmail account which has only the two junk folders (not two
trash).Is there a way to keep only one folder?

I also noticed that for the two trash folders, i can right click and
empty trash only the local folder and not the on-line one. Any idea how
i can correct this?

The "classic" (AKA "correct") IMAP way of dealing with deleting
messages is to mark the message as deleted and then purge all the
marked messages at some later time. You can see messages that have been
marked as deleted by enabling View -> Show Deleted Messages.  The Trash
folder in Evolution in this case is implemented as a virtual folder and
will show all messages marked as deleted in all the folders of that
account.  That virtual Trash is completely independent of any "real"
IMAP folder called "Trash" on the server. Hence it is possible that you
see two Trash folders - one of them doesn't really exist though and the
other isn't anything particularly special to Evo.

However. Some people don't seem to like this virtual trash or get
confused by the concept of just marking a message as deleted. So the
Evo developers caved in and allowed there to be a real trash folder in
which a message actually gets moved to the trash folder when it is
deleted.  You can enable it by Preferences -> Mail Account -> Edit ->
Defaults and select "use a real folder for wastebasket" and then select
the folder you want to use.  Presumably the virtual Trash will
disappear when you do that.

A similar thing applies to the Junk folder - when Evo does spam
detection it will mark the message as junk and it will appear in the
virtual Junk folder. There is no option to use a real Junk folder so
you'll just have to put up with there being two of them.


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