Re: [Evolution] Queries on the system Architecture

Am Samstag, den 30.04.2016, 22:07 +0200 schrieb Andre Klapper:
On Sat, 2016-04-30 at 14:14 -0500, satya nanda wrote:
1) What type of architecture style does system followed?

What are "architecture styles" and what are some examples?

Dekomposition des Systems, Schnittstellenübersicht und übergreifender
Datenkatalog (Daten, die Systemelemente austauschen)

... to simplify matters has defined it as: decomposition of
the system, summing up interfaces, and data catalogue (data exchanged
between the system elements)

2) What are the different modules involved in the system and where
can i found the code for those modules?

Code is in GNOME Git. 
You can browse it via and you can also check it
out to your hard disk:

Using the command "jhbuild list evolution" 
(see for JHBuild) provides
a list of modules that Evolution depends on. (Sorry, I don't have
jhbuild configured on this machine otherwise I'd paste that list.)

3)What are all quality attributes that are followed by the system?

What are "quality attributes" and what are some examples?

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