[Evolution] possible issue re maildir file names

EVO 3.21.1

built on 5/20 from source
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 36832 May 20 08:13 /usr/bin/evolution

i'm getting hundreds of messages of the form below as evo tries to
'refresh?' one of my maildir accounts.

Cannot get message 1455899158.8491_34134.raker3 from folder /home/rthompso/.maildir-sent/.OBC-PROD
No such message

but if i look for what i believe to be the file that the message is

it exists:

$ locate  1455899158.8491_34134.raker3 

with content:

[11:29:36][5s] rthompso raker3> ~ 
$ ls -lrt $(locate  1455899158.8491_34134.raker3)
-rw------- 1 rthompso staff 152410 Feb 19 11:25 

is evo truncating the filenames at the colon?
or are these spurious messages?


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