Re: [Evolution] Forward and Reply hang

On Sun, 2016-07-17 at 18:15 -0400, Reid Vail wrote:
Hello Evolution user team

We are running Evolution 3.10.4 on Linux Mint 17.03.  

For the most part Evolution runs well but there are irregular but persistent
instances when "reply" or "forward" hang and the package needs to be killed and
restarted.  This has happened across several Mint releases and any help isolating the cause
would be greatly appreciated.

In case it helps, there is a lot of mail (1.5 gig compressed).  Also we're running
standard POP service.
Note that 3.10 is fairly old. The current stable version of Evo is at
3.20. I don't know how up to date Mint is in this respect.

I assume you mean 1.5G is the size of the mail store, but why "compressed"?

Is the account sending directly via SMTP or through a local MTA
(e.g. sendmail or postscript)?

You could run Evo from the command line with debugging enabled (see htt

$ CAMEL_DEBUG=pop3 evolution >& logfile

then wait for a hang and take a look at the end of the file. If you
need help, post the relevant part of the file (with any passwords
obscured), e.g. to or similar site and post the URL here.
Please don't send long logfiles directly to the list.


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