Re: [Evolution] How to upgrade to latest version?

On Thu, 14 Jul 2016 11:42:20 +0200, R. W. Reese wrote:
El 2016-07-13 18:42, Reid, Jason I (347G) escribió:

I'm currently using Evolution 3.10.4 and dealing with several issues 
that from what I understand were dealt with in subsequent releases.
I'm working in Ubuntu 14.04 and don't see a way to automatically
upgrade beyond this release (this appears to be the latest
officially supported by 14.04). Is there a way to do it manually?

Thanks in advance!
Hi Jason, I'm not running Ubuntu, but there is a ppa here with 3.18.5 
(not the latest, but getting closer!):
There are workaround,

one workaround btw. is something Ubuntu soon or later might make it's

IMHO it's neither a good approach, nor do I have time for this at the
moment, but I subscribed to .

There's not only Snappy. Among others there e.g. is also Flatpak.
Apart from Snappy, Flatpak and similar solutions, there are easy to
setup virtual machines, at least one. "Virtualbox" could be appropriate
to run a minimalist Arch Linux, Debian Sid or something like this, that
is closer to upsteram. "Virtualbox" integrates seamless into the desktop
environment. While virtualbox in general isn't good, it likely is
appropriate to run just a Linux guest with Evolution. Sharing folders is
no issue, just using USB and things you don't need for Evolution could
cause issues. well, performance could also be an issue. While setting up
Arch Linux requires some knowledge, once you are used to it, it's
easier to build packages for Evolution from git (but you might not
want to buildfrom git), than it is for Debian Sit, additionally Arch is
stable and Sid isn't.

For usage with Ubuntu, by containers that provide all the dependencies
consider testing other distros preffer other
solutions, e.g. . If you want to use Ubuntu as host
running another distro as guest install , and a rolling releases,
e.g. .

FWIW my main distro is Arch Linux, it's not user-friendly, but
user-centric. Since you just want to run Evolution and you could roll
back to a snapshot you made with virtualbox, assumed Sid should break
and because you know how to maintain Ubuntu, Debian Sid might be closer
to what you're used to, .


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