Re: [Evolution] User Interface

Am Donnerstag, den 14.04.2016, 13:33 +0200 schrieb Ralf Mardorf: 
Am Donnerstag, den 14.04.2016, 12:51 +0200 schrieb Tom:

version of Evolution

  $ evolution -v
  evolution 3.20.1

The bad news is: It should be functional with all our installed versions
(from 2.28.3 up to 3.20.1) ??? 

The picture shows the "labels".I don't know where the config file is

Try searching

  $ strings .config/evolution/* | grep name_of_a_lable
  $ strings .local/share/evolution/* | grep name_of_a_lable

Doing this I found labels in e.g.
thomas E8110:~$ strings -f .evolution/* | grep -i wichtig

So I thought I'd inspect gconf - and here we are:
on most of the machines :-)

The problem still is the synchronization of them all ...

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