Re: [Evolution] Evolution not starting (SanthanaKrishnan)

On Tue, 2015-01-13 at 11:26 +0000, Tom, Yahoo wrote: 
However, i still find it very odd that Evo people have been
recommending Ubuntu.  So far each different person's has recommended 2
or 3 distros with Ubuntu being in each different list.  Usually people
on this mailing list seem to be quite scathing or even hostile to
Ubuntu so i was hoping to see more suggestions for other distros to
see what people do like.

I am hostile to Ubuntu, it is a distributions with just lousy QC.  But
that doesn't stop anyone from using it.

As I said, I use, and I recommend, openSUSE for a desktop/laptop
use-case.  And I use Evolution, all day every day, so I can speak to
that specific package.

CentOS is same family as Fedora isn't it? 

Yes, and no.  Fedora is a developer distribution, it is very Upstream.
CentOS is far down stream.  So they are 'in the same family' in the same
way that Minneapolis and New Orleans are on the same river;  I doubt
saying this about them clarifies much of anything for normal users.

 So that might be
advantageous for command-line stuff?  Scientific Linux is in the same
family (Redhat family) as CentOS that no-one has mentioned but i
thought had a good reputation.
openSuSE do some really great stuff so it was good to see someone
recommend them.
There was at least 1 other good suggestion that i have lost track of.

Adam Tauno Williams <mailto:awilliam whitemice org> GPG D95ED383
Systems Administrator, Python Developer, LPI / NCLA

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