Re: [Evolution] Missing "From:" information in messages I sent

On Mon, 2015-12-14 at 17:35 +0100, Martin Dietze wrote:
On 14 December 2015 at 17:32, Patrick O'Callaghan <poc usb ve> wrote:
Check Preferences->Mail Preferences->Headers and make sure the From
is ticked.

It is.

I just checked the "message source" menu entry when displaying one of
those messages. The "From:" header is empty.
This seems very weird. I am connected to an Exchange server using

Your mail to this list does have the From: header, so it would seem
that the problem is in the EWS server. Some things you could try:

 * Use an independent account (preferably on an IMAP or POP server) and
   see what happens.
 * Try a different email client.
 * Temporarily configure your Sent Messages to a local folder and see
   if the header is present in the copies of sent mail.


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