Re: [Evolution] 3.12.5: Failed to refresh folder "INBOX",

You need to put all this in the thread of your original query - not in
an unrelated thread where Eugene is trying to get an answer to a
different problem.


Pete, first here is the Bug ID for Failed to append to INBOX/Sent

Secondly here is the debug output from running 

CAMEL_DEBUG=imapx:debug,imapx:extra evolution
& /home/chris/evodebugfull.txt

I can also run any of these other debug commands if you wish

CAMEL_DEBUG=mail:io evolution >& /home/chris/evodebug1.txt
CAMEL_DEBUG=imapx:io evolution >& /home/chris/evodebug.txt
CAMEL_DEBUG=all evolution >& evo_debug.log

Personally I have no idea what to look for in the logs pertaining to
either of my errors so maybe you can make some sense of it. 


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