Re: [Evolution] Evolution unresponsive using 'autocomplete', triggers re-download of WebDAV address book

On Sat, 2014-05-17 at 20:25 -0400, Michael Wenyon wrote:
Autocomplete often works for the first entry. But it freezes if I edit the
characters I have typed, for example by deleting the most recent
character entered. Then, the cursor stops flashing and the program
becomes unresponsive for a minute or more.
it would be good to see a backtrace of the frozen evolution, with
debuginfo packages for evolution and evolution-data-server installed, to
see where it got frozen and hopefully why. You can catch such backtrace
of running evolution with gdb command:
   $ gdb --batch --ex "t a a bt" -pid=`pidof evolution` &>bt.txt
Check the content of the resulting bt.txt file, that it doesn't expose
any private information. I usually search for "pass" (quotes for clarity

When it comes back, I can
occasionally edit my typed characters and sometimes generate a new
autocomplete suggestion. More often, no suggestion appears, and when I
change to Contacts mode, I discover that the WebDAV address book is
empty and Evolution has begun to download it again from the server from
scratch, a time-consuming process. 
Would you mind to file this as a bug report to
please? It should be fixable. Please do not forget to send here a bug
link, for any future reference.
        Thanks and bye,

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