Re: [Evolution] Many mails never reach the recipients - Evolution 3.10.4

Currently I write mails with an editor and send mails, e.g. this one by

$ cat .msmtp.mail/evolution.reply.1.mail | msmtp -a default evolution-list gnome org

It might be random only, but it seems that when doing this, using the
following settings, mail always will reach the recipients:

$ cat .msmtprc 
# Set default values for all following accounts.
tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
logfile ~/.msmtp.log

# Alice
account spinymouse
from ralf mardorf alice-dsl net
user ralf mardorf alice-dsl net
auth         plain
tls          on
tls_starttls on

######## !!!!!!!!!!!!
password [snip]
######## !!!!!!!!!!!!

# Set a default account
account default : spinymouse

I'm aware that I can make Evolution use msmtp, but I first will continue
testing what happens, if I only send using msmpt without Evolution being

Currently I've got the impression that there are several issues, some
caused by the provider and others caused by Evolution.


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