Re: [Evolution] Posting to lists

On Mon, 2014-06-02 at 10:15 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
In a separate thread Milan mentioned that in Evo 3.12 you can specify a
sending accounting for a folder. I'm still on 3.10 so I wasn't aware of
this new feature. I'd like to propose an additional option: to specify a
destination address for new posts from within the folder.

you have two options, one option is to assign a send account (the From
field) for a folder, which is used for both replies and newly composed
messages in that particular folder, or assign send account when you
write a reply to certain address (To/CC; maybe also Bcc, I do not recall
precisely). You can also set which of the two options has precedence, in
case you reply to an "overridden-person" in an "overridden-folder".

If I'm not mistaken, then it covers your use case too.

I'm thinking of a folder used for a mailing list. If only Unread messages
are shown and none are currently visible you have to search around to
find the posting address. Obviously not all folders are associated with lists,
but it's a common enough case to be useful.

As long as it's the folder filter to unread messages, not a search
folder, then it should work for folder overrides.

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