Re: [Evolution] downloads page

Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
I'd disagree, a *user* cannot "create their own updated version from
sources".  A user does not build software; developers do.  If you are
compiling stuff - you are a developer, albeit possibly a very bad one.

I'm not so sure. The user can be taught to use the ./configure && make
&& sudo make install as a black box, just like running apt-get or yum

If you do not change the code (ie. it's not "their own updated version"
but a compile of the upstream version) I'm not so sure you can be
considered a developer (albeit it's something for power-users ☺).

My current main laptop has 2500 programme packages installed. I would
think this is fairly norm. For the vast majority (2498 packages to be
exact) I am not in the slightest interested to have the most bang up
to date version. For the two remaining ones - I am a contributing
developer, so I compile them from source.

.... so you are a developer.  The constant swapping of contexts between
user and developer is in part what makes this thread senseless.  It is
moving the mileposts while measuring.

If you build software you are a developer;  do not confuse yourself with
a user [who has neither the interest nor skills to do such a thing].

The interest will mostly depend on how much they want the new
features/fixes (eg. the webkit composer)
Although they often won't have the needed skills (maybe that can be
fixed by lowering the bar?)

For a non-trivial application such as Evolution a non-trivial skill set
is required to build.

That's true. And helpers like jhbuild can make it even harder.

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