Re: [Evolution] opening link in a web browser

On Wed, 2013-09-18 at 21:18 -0600, brad wrote:
On Wed, 2013-09-18 at 17:19 -0400, Matthew Barnes wrote:
On Wed, 2013-09-18 at 13:38 -0600, brad wrote:
I'm using fedora 19, xfce, and evolution 3.8.5.
I've set my default browser to google-chrome but links opened up from
evolution use firefox.  I can't figure out how to change this.

I've seen that page.  It doesn't help.  I'm not getting any help from
the fedora forum either.
As others have said, this isn't particularly an Evolution issue.

The easiest way to deal with this is to change your desktop temporarily
to Gnome, start gnome-control-center and click on "Details", then
"Default Applications" and change Web to whatever you want.  This is the
setting that Evolution uses, even in xfce.

It may also be possible that gnome-control-center runs under xfce and
does what you want, but I only ever use Gnome, so can't comment.

If you don't want to do that, or it doesn't work, then you are going to
have to play around with gsettings and dconf - the required key is
"favorite-apps" under and the first entry of that key is
the default Gnome web browser.  Use either gsettings or dconf-editor to
change it.  **Warning** play with dconf settings directly at your own
risk - you can muck a lot of things up if you randomly alter things; I
am not responsible for any damage you do to your system.  It is much
better and safer if you can use gnome-control-center.


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