Re: [Evolution] Tor and Regular Mail

On Mon, 2013-09-02 at 08:48 +0200, Patryk Benderz wrote:

        thank you for that hints. They are for sure helpful, but for tech savvy
people. Regular users won't even know what are you are talking about :)

It used to be simple enough even for regular users. But the setting has
now been hidden and you can't get at it in the GUI account setup any
more. You have to do it manually with dconf :(

- they need separate proxy setting.
        Apart from that, can you give similar workaround for EWS setup?

Use libproxy (or PacRunner and its reimplementation of libproxy,
ideally). Make sure that when you ask it "what proxy do I use for <this>
URL", it gives you the correct answer for each of the servers you want
to talk to.

File bugs if Evolution is not honouring the libproxy answers correctly.


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