Re: [Evolution] Evolution: Automatically Create Address Book Entries for People You Respond To | a Tech-Recipes Tutorial

On Sat, 2013-05-18 at 01:55 -0600, Bart wrote:
On Fri, 2013-05-17 at 23:07 -0500, Eugene wrote:

I can't find this feature anymore. Was it dropped? 


It is there in 3.8.1 anyway.  I am pretty sure it was working in 3.6 but
I don't have that version anymore.

I can confirm this, but I had and still have many minor issues + I've
got this option disabled, so I don't know, if it does work as expected.

Edit > Preferences > Contacts > Automatic Contacts >
[x] Create address book entries when sending mails

Ok, I now read the link, at least for 3.8 it's the same, if I should
have the time to reboot today, I'll take a look at Evolution
3.6.2-0ubuntu0.1, at the moment I need to work with my Arch Linux
Evolution 3.8.2.

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