Re: [Evolution] What file is this? (Crash while evolution was running)

On Mon, 2013-01-14 at 11:13 +0100, FunFlyer gmx net wrote:
About an hour ago, my computer froze when I was just starting evolution. Unfortunately, after a re-boot 
evolution wants me to set up my email accounts anew. 

I've figured out that's due to a configuration file missing that I discovered in the lost+found folder. It 
starts like this:

that's just a state of your Mail view's left folder tree, located at
in 3.6.x, though for your version it's probably
I do not recall precisely, it is too old version for me.

Anyway, this file missing is not a reason for a new account creation.
I guess the disk failure (or what the reason for the move to lost+found
could be) took with itself also your configuration in GConf, where your
3.2.x has stored mail accounts. You can check the current content with
   $ gconftool-2 --get /apps/evolution/mail/accounts
It may return "[]" for you. Maybe your lost+found contains also some
files, where one has the path from the gconftool-2. It is possible to
restore the file, but it is not recommended to play with underlying
private GConf files, thus I'd suggest to rather re-enter your mail
accounts. I hope you do not have many.

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