Re: [Evolution] Why this error message?

El lun, 18-02-2013 a las 14:17 -0500, Adam Tauno Williams escribió:
On Mon, 2013-02-18 at 16:38 -0200, Lailah wrote:
> I try to send a mail and Evolution shows this error message:
>         El comando MAIL FROM ha fallado: TCP connection reset by peer
> What it means?

During the connection to submit the e-mail the remote closed the

First guess would be that you have the crypto [security] of the
connection misconfigured.

Second guess would be your authentication has failed.

Third guess would be that the remote is malfunctioning or does not like
your message for some reason [size?] and isn't correctly returning the

Forth guess is a firewall or proxy somewhere betwixt the two end-points
is being naughty.


        Thanks for your suggestions, they were very useful.  Was a proxy problem.  Sadly, I can fix it, only hope that it won't happen again.  This is because the wi-fi is not mine, is a public wi-fi with a proxy owned by my school.

Thank you very much!

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