Re: [Evolution] Evolution - mbox to maildir

On Tue, 19 Feb 2013 23:57:11 -0500
Matthew Barnes <mbarnes redhat com> wrote:

On Tue, 2013-02-19 at 22:10 -0500, RSV-RR wrote:
Is there a way to convert Evolution's msg storage from mbox to
maildir?  My wife has a very large amount of mail and it can be very
time consuming and disk intensive to manipulate mbox files, whereas
maildir or MH format seems cleaner.

Any thoughts about this?  Good idea, bad idea?

The local mail storage format has been Maildir since version 3.0.

Thanks for your replies...'s an interesting twist that it's maildir by default, but when
we recently set up her account (about two months ago) I imported mail
from Thunderbird, which I think is mbox format.  So is it right to
assume it would take those files and re-import to mbox.  Also, it's a
POP3 account.  Does that matter?

Actually this raises an interesting question that I never thought do I know what format is currently being used?



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