Re: [Evolution] Trouble with address book

On Thu, 7 Feb 2013 20:29:59 -0500
RSV-RR <rsv869 roadrunner com> wrote:

Hello group

I'm running version 3.9.2 on ubuntu 12.10 and am having trouble with
the address book.  I'm new to this list so am asking forgiveness in
advance if these issues have been reported before.    

1) When composing a new message and need to pick a recipient address
I select the "To" button to bring up the address chooser box. There are
no addresses shown in the Peronal address book (where many of my
addresses are) unless I first pick a different address book and then
switch back. Once I do pick a different book and then go back to
Personal, then the addresses show. It continues to work correctly even
if I need to go back and forth between address book. But when I close
that message and create a new one, same issue occurs again.

2) In the address book again, working with imported addresses
stored without any names.  That is, email address only for that entry.
After opening the address book record to add a name, the application
crashes when you try to save the entry.

Thoughts welcome.


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"Re: [Evolution] Trouble with address book
(Matthew Barnes, Today 03:22 PM)
On Fri, 2013-02-08 at 15:12 -0500, rsv869 roadrunner com wrote:
I'm sure you're right Matthew....sorry about that.  Just you
happen to see these address book issues in the release you run?  If so,
are there work arounds that you know of, or is this just a bug we have
to live with.  Wonder if it's been reported.
Yes, I'm seeing it too on the latest development code.

Looks like the dialog isn't getting populated initially, and only does
so in response to "changed" signals from the combo box.  I've seen this
sort of thing before.

Mind filing a bug report?  Should be an easy fix if I'm right.

Matthew Barnes"

No worries...will try to figure that out.  I see the link on the main
Evolution page.  Just curious if you seen the other error, too?



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