Re: [Evolution] Purpose of `~/.local/share/evolution/addressbook/system/log.0000000001`?

On Wednesday 19 of September 2012 09:58:44 Paul Menzel wrote:
Dear Evolution folks,


could you please point me to some resource describing or tell me the
purpose of `~/.local/share/evolution/addressbook/system/log.0000000001`

It's created by the Berkeley database which we use to store address books. The 
database stores transaction logs there and it can probably be used to recover 
the database in case of corruption.

It is 10 MB big.

The database engine preallocates 10 MB when the log file is created probably to 
provide better performance and ensure there's always enough disk space to 
store the transaction. There is nothing you can do about it (at least from 
Evolution). 10 MB is not much these days though....




dvratil redhat com | Associate Software Engineer / BaseOS / KDE, Qt
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