Re: [Evolution] Addressbook: How to update a group after changing a contact?

On Sunday 16 of September 2012 18:32:24 Paul Menzel wrote:
Dear Evolution users,

one user complained that having an email group containing several
contacts, than the addresses are not updated when for example one
address of a contact is updated.


group »friends« contains »Alice« and »Bob«. Updating the email address
of »Bob«, the group friends still contains the old email address.

1. Is there a way to update the addresses in a group?

Unfortunately, no. Persons in groups are not linked between each other, nor 
are they linked with the original contacts from which they come.

2. Why should not that be done automatically?

This is a consequence of how the contact groups are stored - as a contact with 
many emails :) I think that contact groups are not even standardized in vCard 
RFC, so it would not be portable across applications (we already introduce one 
similar incompatible-thingie to support nested sub-groups).

Might be an interesting feature though, but I'm unsure how to implement it :) 
Feel free to open an enhancement request in bugzilla.





PS: This is at least present until Evolution 3.4.3 from Debian
dvratil redhat com | Associate Software Engineer / BaseOS / KDE, Qt
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