[Evolution] forwarding HTML mail as ASCII && URL


Some days ago I've got in my Evo 2.32.3 (please do not ask for updating
it, it's not yet possible in FreeBSD) a mail in HTML only; in OpenSource
world I would just silently ignore such mail, but as it belongs to
business, I can't. I have had to forward this mail to someone else and
it got into the composer converted to ASCII text, which is fine. The
HTML contained some URL, presented in blue in the message window, 
not the URL, but the text attached to this URL between the <A ...>
and </A> tags. The mail in the ASCII composer missed the URL and had only
the text, which of course was not of any use for the next recipient.

Is this somehow a bug, or a missing feature?


Sent from my FreeBSD netbook

Matthias Apitz               |  - No system with backdoors like Apple/Android
E-mail: guru unixarea de     |  - No HTML/RTF in E-mail
WWW: http://www.unixarea.de/ |  - No proprietary attachments
phone: +49-170-4527211       |  - Respect for open standards

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