Re: [Evolution] Who or what is at fault

On Wed, 2012-06-27 at 15:05 -0500, dgoddard wrote:
Malfunction description:
The last 2 to 3 weeks, every so often when I try to download e-mail
via my internet service provider.  Evolution indicates that it is
downloading (as in: "downloading  x of y") and when it is finished.  I
do not have any e-mail downloaded to my computer.

Also see

 and if I go to the website where my e-mail comes in from. all the
relevant e-mail is now in the g-mail trash folder.  

So you talk about a GMail account...

Evolution 2.28.3 

I don't remember the specific bugs and misbehaviors of such an old
version. :(

mailto:ak-47 gmx net | failed

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