Re: [Evolution] How do remote folders work?

On Mon, 2012-07-09 at 16:12 -0500, Leonard Evens wrote:
We just have an upgrade of the main server on our departmental network.
It handles the mail servers I use.   I run evolution 3.4.3 on my machine
at home which is currently running Fedora 17.

Before we can attempt to answer your other questions you need to tell us
how your client(s) accesses mail on the server?  i.e. do you use IMAP?

Also, some of your questions are very much server specific and it would
be difficult for us to answer them without a detailed knowledge of how
the server is configured, what MTA is used, what client access software
is used and how the spam detection software is set up.  The people in
the best position to answer those questions are the sysadmins for the
server and you should probably try them first.


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