Re: [Evolution] EWS and the addressbook

On Tue, 2012-01-10 at 15:16 -0600, CLOSE Dave wrote:

Generally, I'm finding the EWS extension for Evolution to work quite
well. But I do have one significant and one minor complaint. Perhaps
there is something I'm doing wrong ...

The major problem is that I can't get the Exchange addressbook to be
visible to Evolution. I have triple-checked the OAB URL shown by Outlook
and I'm sure I've entered it correctly. But any attempt to access the AB
gets the message, "e-data-server-ui-WARNING **: ENameSelector: Could not
load "AD": TLS not available", and Evolution's UI shows a red box

Unable to open address book
This address book cannot be opened. This either means that an
incorrect URI was entered, or the server is unreachable.
Detailed error message: TLS not available

You don't say what version of Evolution you are using here, so this reply will be of limited use. I am 
running Fedora 16 and its 3.2.2 version, and it is not working well there for a different reason completely: 
It works a couple of time, but then the address book part of the data server crashes. I am running against 
Exchange 2007 by the way.

I copied my OAB in from Outlook and that fact that it works a few times and then stops 9and the fact that the 
problem is closed upstream according to the bug report I did on it) tell me only that the address book 
functionality is not as stable as the rest of the EWS feature yet.

To work around all that, I turned off the GAL, and defined an LDAP address book pointing at the active 
directory domain controller.

Evolution 3.3.3 is supposed to fix the issue I am seeing. Yours, being TLS sounds different: I am I believe 
using TLS successfully. Perhaps you are trying to, and the server is not set to use it?

I have also seen a possibly related message when viewing mail (not
trying to access the AB), "SendMeetingInvitationsOrCancellations
attribute is required for Calendar items".

The minor problem is that, although my filters clearly specify that one
of the actions to take for certain messages is Set Status: Read, the
messages remain unread. When I explicitly read a message, it takes about
two seconds for the read attribute to change. Then when I view a
different "folder", the unread attribute returns. When I return to the
"folder" with the message I already read, it initially shows unread,
then changes to read after a few seconds. After the second time, the
read attribute seems to finally stick.


Steve Carl
Steve_Carl bmc com<mailto:Steve_Carl bmc com>

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