Re: [Evolution] sort by date and group by threads

Le mercredi 11 janvier 2012 Ã 12:10 +0100, Milan Crha a Ãcrit :
On Wed, 2012-01-11 at 11:35 +0100, Bastien Durel wrote:
The thread_latest is on. I unchecked it, restarted evo: no change.
re-checked it, restarted evo: no change again.

thread_list and thread_expand are true too, thread_subject is false. 

hmm, then I may guess that there is something with GConf which is run by
evolution itself, causing it to read values from a different GConf
store. On the first look. But that's quite unusual.

You can try to change sorting in the folder, maybe it changed? Just
right-click above the table header, it doesn't matter which column, and
pick "Sort By->Custom" and there is a "Sort..." button. I sort by Date
(not by Received), and it works as expected.

Sorting config is good, but threads stay as they are.
How should I check if the gconf is good ?

Bastien Durel

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