[Evolution] SOLUTION: u n s u b s c r i b e from any of my subscriptions

Am Freitag, den 28.12.2012, 14:29 -0500 schrieb Matthew Barnes:
"FOLDER-->U N S U B S C R I B E" is inactive for all nntp subscriptions - for

Subscribing to a new group the menue item stays active for the running
session but after quitting evolution and restarting it - inactive :-(

Just fixed this for upcoming 3.6.3 and 3.7.4 releases.

For older releases you can use the Folder->Subscriptions interface to
unsubscribe from newsgroups.

Hi Matthew,

I did not think that there would be something to fix. Was it really a
bug at that place ?
I rather thought that my system was running somewhat unstable. Had I
merely been able to unsubscribe in the running session ? My recall was
another one - probably wrong.

I had tried using the subscriptions interface before but had not found
the appropriate group - blind as I am ? Therefore thought, that one
could only do new subscriptions here. Now I know better :-)

Thanks for the hint :-)

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