Re: [Evolution] Segfaulting after random amounts of time - evo 3.0.2

On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 6:17 PM, Tom Davies <tomdavies04 yahoo co uk> wrote:

----- Original Message ----
From: Oon-Ee Ng <ngoonee talk gmail com>
To: Milan Crha <mcrha redhat com>
Cc: evolution-list gnome org
Sent: Mon, 29 August, 2011 10:12:38
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Segfaulting after random amounts of time - evo 3.0.2

On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 10:41 AM, Oon-Ee Ng <ngoonee talk gmail com>  wrote:
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 3:27 PM, Oon-Ee Ng <ngoonee talk gmail com>  wrote:
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 1:49 PM, Milan Crha <mcrha redhat com> wrote:
 On Thu, 2011-08-25 at 12:18 +0800, Oon-Ee Ng wrote:
I'm  finally getting back to this after a hectic couple of  months.
Still happening here, but now I have more time to  deal with it (I've
just been getting used to composing in a  text editor and
copy-pasting). Please inform me if the above  advise still applies:-

1. Get  debug-symbols for pixman, cairo, gtk3, evolution,
2. Get a backtrace (as according to  instructions at )
3.  Pastebin here

yes, it  still applies. Only open the bug report on and paste a link to it here.
       Thanks and  bye,

Interestingly enough,  I did a test install of gtkhtml-4.1.4,
evolution-3.1.4 and  evolution-data-server-3.1.4 and the crash does not
occur at all,  been running and using evo for a couple of hours now. I
can't really  find a proper (non-git) download for 3.0.3, probably cos
its not  released yet, so cannot verify whether that works.

In  any case, I'll still get around to the backtrace, just commenting
 that 3.1.4 seems to have this already fixed.

As  promised -

Now to reinstall  3.1.4 so I can actually get back to work =).

Bugzilla certificate  expired so I can't get in there (or can't be
bothered to load up any other  browser besides firefox). Here's an
updated backtrace, the previous one was  wrongly acquired.

Hi :)
I just clicked on "Add Exception" and then pasted that link into the bug-report.
Regards from
Tom :)

Problem seems resolved currently in 3.0.3 (Arch just updated to that).

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