[Evolution] 2 GB mbox, Cannot appent message to mbox file.

I've done a bit of research on this error, and usually the answer has been
"Oh, it's your filesystem file size limit you're running into".

But I'm using ext3 on this filesystem. That means that the limit on the
mbox file size is internal to Evolution.

No, I am not going to go through the last 4 years' worth of email and
delete some of it. Maybe I'm just one of those crazy people who thinks
that communications are important and should be archived, but I don't
think I'm alone either (ask an historian).

Moreover, why on earth would Evolution use that archaic file format? It
makes displaying (and sorting, and searching) messages tediously slow and
CPU hungry. Especially when you have tens of thousands of messages.

If there's a fix for this problem, I'd like to know what it is. Aside from
deleting messages that is.

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