Re: [Evolution] [Not subscribed to the list] Calender compiling from git issue

On Fri, 2010-09-17 at 09:04 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
I've got a cold and no fun trying to build it today, I'll try it ASAP.
I'm a Linux user only, not a Linux coder. Regarding to questions about
compiling issues, should I subscribe to evolution-list or to
evolution-hackers. After watching the archives the correct place seems
to be evolution-hackers, OTOH since Evolution replaced Thunderbird for
me, I might have some questions about the usage, e.g. about issues that
might be known when sharing mails for several Linux installs (Linux
multi-boot) on one machine.

Usage questions to evolution-list (the user's list). Programming
questions mostly to evolution-hackers, but the occasional compilation
question is OK on the user's list.


PS Note that cross-posting to multiple lists is generally frowned on.
For one thing, people who aren't on all the lists won't see all the

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