Re: [Evolution] Question

On Thu, 2010-11-04 at 00:15 +0100, Adam Zabrocki wrote:
Is it possible to encrypt outgoing message and using someone else public
key than the receiver?

Sometimes public key was generated for one e-mail but the same person
has a few emails or aliases. Is it possible somehow to choose which key
will be used to encrypt outgoing message? From evolution site of course.
I'm not sure for what would be good to encrypt message with a key not
belonging to the recipient. Maybe I misunderstood here something.

The thing is, you cannot influence which key will be used other than by
filling the right email address for the recipient.

Say you have user with two email addresses, user example com and
user-alias example2 com and you have two keys in your store, one for
each address. If you'll be sending messages to the first address, then
the first key will be chosen by evolution, if to the second, then the
second key.

It should work this way, I believe.

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