Re: [Evolution] Msg Filters Loosing Destination Folder


I had the same problem when expunge of a folder would cause an error. I
copied the folder somewhere, renamed the original and then moved the
copy back to the original. 
evolution would update the corresponding filter rule, to now contain the
name <folder>.old, which I did not want.
It might be of help to know that the rules are in an xml-file in
~/.evolution/mail/filters.xml, which I can edit and the running
evolution would pick up the changes right away.
Maybe you can just make a copy of filters.xml before you run your 
procedure and then restore the copy on top of the falsely updated file.
Hope that helps.

Am Freitag, den 28.05.2010, 11:01 -0400 schrieb Philippe LeCavalier:
Hi All,

I use message filters (not search folders) to sort incoming mail on an
IMAP server in the wild. Several times over the past few years I've
made changes (knowingly and unknowingly) to Evo or my system in
general, which resulted in Evo loosing the path of the destination
folder for ALL my rules. Every time this happens it all starts with me
noticing Evo is running something along the lines of "Updating Message
filters" and is usually followed by the feeling of despair and a loud
sigh on my part. That because it never works. The general rule stays
in tact(that's nice) but the path to the destination folder is lost
-blanked. In this particular case, I understand that Evo had to erase
the path altogether because I had to re-subscribe to all my folder
(possibly another issue for another posting...) so if Evo can't see
the folder it understandably should remove the seemingly invalid path.
The inherent problem with that process is that once I re-subscribe to
all my folders and it runs "Updating message filters" again it has no
record of said previously set path.

I don't know if my expectations are realistic or even remotely
possible but could I not ask (post a bug) to have Evo remember paths
before clearing them in the likelihood that the user might need said

To be perfectly clear, I can live with the "knowingly" but the
"unknowingly" is different. Today this happened  for no apparent
reason. Can someone out there help me determine the cause please and
pretty please? Hint: it problably starts with the reason why I was
unsubscribed to everything but the root, my Inbox.

Hoestly, I'm not certain what is need info-wise to troubleshoot this
so here's some info and please ask away for more as required.

-IMAP hosted on WAN, Courier I believe but I could confirmand get
exact versioning if it matters
-Debian SID/testing
-Linux 2.6.32-trunk-686
-Evo-data-server, Evo-common 2.28.3-1 & Evo 2.28.3-1+b1
-Sqlite3.6.23.1-2 & libsqlite3.6.23.1-2

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