[Evolution] Bug Day : March 25-26

Hi all,
        After a gap of almost two years since we had an official bug
day, we all are gearing up again for a bug day on March 25 and 26.
As per the past experience, one day seems to be short for a bug day so
we have decided to continue triaging for two days. 

Goals of Bug day

* Bug triaging
     -  Identify list of important bugs for next stable release 
     -  Clean up of long pending bugs
We are planning to triage bugs filed since Evolution 2.24.x against
upcoming stable release of Evolution 2.30.0 which is scheduled to be
released on March 31. So all bugs will be triaged against the stable

And who are new to bug triaging, these URLs will provide them a

(a) http://live.gnome.org/Bugsquad/TriageGuide 
(b) Andre's Blog : http://blogs.gnome.org/view/aklapper/2006/11/03/0

Please feel free to tag bugs with white board status as well.

Please join us in #evolution channel on irc.gimp.org on bug day and help
us in making Evolution, a better product.

Happy Triaging,

- Akhil

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