[Evolution] Evolution and smtp port OTHER THAN "25"

My ISP, 1and1.com uses an smtp (send) port OTHER THAN the Evolution Port 25.

I asked 1and1.com tech support for help and received the following URL


Excellent resource for this problem.

The process

Determine what smtp port your ISP/mail provider uses (usually found on the provider's site), then

1) Launch Evolution
2) Select Edit > Preferences
3) Select account to modify and click on Edit; Account Editor appears
4) Select Sending Email tab
5) Under Server Configuration, the Server line should read normally (e.g., smtp.<domain>)
APPEND A COLON (:) AND THE PROVIDER-REQUIRED PORT ID smtp.1and1.com:587o the entry reads something like
6) Try leaving the Security > Use Security Connection "as is" *
7) Leave Authentication "as it"
8) Leave Izanami "as is"
9) Leave Remember password "as is"
10) Click the OK button
11) Test function by sending an email via the provider's service to confirm it goes through.

*  Step 6 - you  _may_  need to try SSL or TLS encryption.

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