Re: [Evolution] names change using LDAP

Thanks Adam for your insightful answer - I begin to understand the
problem. But the more I look into it the worse it gets. I think this is
just the tip of the iceberg.
One aspect of the problem arises - as you pointed out - from my wish to
press org data in a framework (vcard) designed for individuals. 
Another aspect is a strange (or buggy?) implementation of the ldap
interface of evolution. Here is an example: I start with a contact that
consists of a person with just a family name and enter this contact via
the evo GUI into an LDAP addressbook. I close evo, open it again and
look at this simple contact: Now the person nolonger has a family name
but instead a given name identical to its former family name. Similar
things happen when I enter a postal code in the evo GUI for the address
and then close and restart evo. The information is not stored in the
postal-code-attribute of the LDAP record but rather as part of the
postaladdress attribute and then read into the big address field rather
than the postal code field I formerly entered it.
This is a mess to work with if information entered in one field of the
GUI is shuffeled around just by writing to the LDAP database and reading
it back again.
Is there any reason not to use a schema exactly matching the evo GUI or,
alternatively, sticking to a general vcard schema and adjusting the evo
GUI accordingly?
I guess I have to look for a completely different approach to my
problem. I would have thought that this is a more or less standard use
case but seem to be mistaken - too bad.
Thanks again for the information and help!


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