Re: [Evolution] stability/Jewett

On Thu, 2009-10-08 at 07:15, Dave Jewett wrote:

I apologize for the top post. Most of the world top posts;


Which simply demonstrates that the world is mostly made up
of the clueless and care-less.


and I could not immediate find the section of my email client 
to reconfigure it for this specific email.

"Reconfigure it"???

What email client are you using that would require reconfiguring
in order to arrange original and reply in the correct chronological
sequence? I have used five or six different email clients over the
past nearly thirty years, and I cannot recall a single one that
would require "reconfiguration".

The way most emailers default in the reply edit mode is to position
your cursor at the top of the original. The reason this is done
is apparently, unaccountably, non-obvious to millions of the
NetNewbies of the past several years. The reason it positions that
way is to encourage the user to drill down through the original
post, snipping out those portions not directly relevant to their
intended reply, and not so incidentally reinforcing their knowledge
of what the original was saying; then having reached the bottom of the
original, and with any luck at all having reduced it, if it was
a long one, by say 80%, commence their reply.

Top posting may be marginally acceptable for a single one-on-one
exchange in a business environment;

"Okay - Mario's on Fourth at 12:45!"

"Wanna have lunch tomorrow"

even though it reads illogically in that reverse chronology. Fine.

But top-posting is an irritant on any form of e-list or discussion
group where there are multi-message threads.

Yeah, I know, those religious wars again. But I will not
acquiesce to sloppy, hard-to-read practices just because millions
of clueless newbies don't know how to work their reply edit function
as it was intended, and worse, don't much care either way.

    Embrace a sharing community of sustainable low-carbon diversity
W. Brewster Gillett             bg fdi us            Portland, OR  USA
Simply because you don't like to hear it, that doesn't make it untrue.

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