[Evolution] Evolution 2.24.4 crashes + bug service unavailable + no filtering ...

Evolution 2.24.4 seems to crash pretty regularly for me now under Fedora
10, sending crash info back out into the void.  (Mostly during message
delete or printing).  When I started evolution, I had many of my user
directories and files from the previous Fedora (Fedora 5), which
similarly had been pre-existing from earlier versions. 

Annoyingly, when I try to check on the opened bug reports, all I get is
phone off the hook type messages: 

        Service Temporarily Unavailable
        The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to
        maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again
        Apache/2.2.9 (Fedora) Server at crash.gnome.org Port 80
Is anyone else experiencing random crashes when starting from F5 or
other previous evolution dirs/files?  Can you check on you're bug

One other problem I'm having with evo is that automatic message
filtering does not work.  I have set all the proper settings and enabled
the log file, but there ain't nothing happening when it comes to message

I dunno, am I inquiring or venting ....? Hmmm ....

- Mike

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