[Evolution] FreeBSD 8-CURRENT && Evolution 2.24.5: can not change 'Out of Office' state/message


I'm running the above mentioned environment against an Exchange server (only
OWA, no IMAP allowed); it works mostly as it should, but I can't change
the so called 'Out of Office' state and message; when I go to

Preferences-->Account-->Exchange settings

and fill in the text for 'Out of Office' reply and check the state to
indicate that I'm out, the values are not updated after closing the
pop-up window;

if I use a browser against the Exchange server and set it this way, I'm
asked on next Evolution start if I want to switch it to 'inhouse', which
works; as well the message is now displayed in the 'Exchange settings',
but again a change there has no effect and no error message;

what I am missing?

btw: what I'm really missing from my normal mutt/vim mail environment
(I'm just typing this message through) is a vim-like editor for
composing/writing the text of a mail; is there some plug-in for this
which let me write the mail in an external editor and push it back into

Thanks in advance

Matthias Apitz
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <guru unixarea de> - w http://www.unixarea.de/
People who hate Microsoft Windows use Linux but people who love UNIX use FreeBSD.

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