Re: [Evolution] two questions about evolution

On Sun, 2009-12-13 at 03:34 -0800, Tudod Ki wrote:
1 - If i want to use e.g.: IMAP, I have to log in "twice", because i
have to log in to SMTP too.
Is there a solution to only "log in once", when using Evolution? [not
the remember the password radio box]

2 - Is there a good way to send Evolution to tray? [e.g.: GNOME under
Ubuntu, Debian]

Thank you.!

Evolution-list mailing list
Evolution-list gnome org

It makes no sense to "log in once" since SMTP and IMAP are two
completely independant services and very often go to different servers,
e.g. I generally use Gmail for SMTP even with non-Gmail IMAP services,
since it's quite reliable and automatically archives all my sent mail.
For Evo to assume that your SMTP server is the same as your IMAP server
would be restrictive and possibly insecure in some scenarios.


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