Re: [Evolution] Microsoft outlook calendar booking in Evo?

On Wed, 2008-10-01 at 18:26 +0200, Svante R Signell wrote:
When receiving a calendar booking for Microsoft Outlook I get the
following response:

Exchange 2007 IMAP4 server failed to retrieve the following message:

Subject: "subject_title"
From: "xx yy")
Sent Date: 2008-09-30 10:13:27

The message could not be retrieved using the IMAP4 protocol. The message
has not been deleted and may be accessible using either Microsoft
Outlook or Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access. You can also try
contacting the original sender of the message to find out about the
contents of the message.

Retrieval of this message will be retried when the server is updated
with a fix that addresses the problem.

Is Microsoft Outlook Calendar bookings not supported in Evo or is it due
to IMAP?


based on the message, it's because of the IMAP. The other thing is that
you cannot connect to Exchange 2007 other way than this from the
Evolution, the support for Ex2007 is planned for 2.26 release.

P.S.: I believe it's an IMAP issue because of this sentence: "The
message could not be retrieved using the IMAP4 protocol." I _guess_ it
means something like it's an invitation, appointment or similar,
definitely something other than regular mail message.

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