Re: [Evolution] Evolution maximum email file size

On Sat, 2008-06-21 at 18:43 -0400, Internaut at Large wrote:

On Sat, 2008-06-21 at 11:39 -0400, Damon Allen wrote:
In Windows, Outlook is limited to a maximum of 2 GB for email storage 
before problems start occurring.  This is due to a preemptive limit in 
Outlook based on a Windows problem with dealing with large files.  My 
first question is in Linux is there a problem with large files which 
would cause the OS to become unstable?  Secondly does Evolution have a 
limit of email file size based on this OS limit?

Interestingly enough, I just ran into this problem.  Not on the
Evolution side of things, but on the IMAP side of things.  Apparently my
linux server that serves my imap won't handle a mail file that is in
excess of, approximately 200 gig. (a little over 30,000 mail messages,
some with lots of attachments) when on that system, trying to open the
file gives me the error message "cannot handle a file that large of that
type" with anything.  So I basically poured it through formail and
procmail to filter it to smaller boxes, so it can handle it.

Unfortunately, evolution doesn't deal with MH or maildir files very
well, so that wasn't really an option, it had to be a large spool file.

I don't understand. What has Evo got to do with the file format on the
IMAP server?

You might want to consider a file-per-message server such as Cyrus,
Courier or Dovecot. File-per-folder systems are not scaleable. Every
time you delete and expunge a message from the middle of your 200GB
file, the server has to copy all 200 gigs.


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