Re: [Evolution] Offline Exchange Calendar

On 09/07/2008, at 15.54, Stefano Buelow wrote:

I've got a customer with some eeePC that wants to work on Exchange Calendar locally while offline. Outlook implements this feature, and with this feature missing in evolution I think that eeeUbuntu on eeePC won't be a viable solution. Maybe there's something completely different from Evolution that works that way. You know any ?

Not really... All of the methods to read and write to the cache is in Evolution (e-d-s actually) so you may just possible be in luck.



On Wed, 2008-07-09 at 15:25 +0200, Jules Colding wrote:

On 09/07/2008, at 15.22, Stefano Buelow wrote:

> Thx Jules
> So apparently there's no way to obtain R/W access when offline. Any
> Ideas ?

To the local cache you mean? Not that I know of (in evo that is). Why
do you want that?


> Cheers
> On Wed, 2008-07-09 at 15:00 +0200, Jules Colding wrote:
>> On 09/07/2008, at 14.57, Stefano Buelow wrote:
>> > Hello.
>> >
>> > Does anybody know if there's a way to operate read-write offline
>> > with Exchange Calendar ? Using the classic Connector (formerly
>> > ximian connector) the calendar is available offline in read-only
>> mode.
>> > Anybody tested the same with a Brutus infrascructure ?
>> e-b makes the Exchange folders (the Calendar included) r/o when
>> offline.
>> --
>>    jules
> --
>               Stefano Buelow
> --------------------------------------------
> LogX s.a.s.        stefano.buelow[at]
> Traiano 64/14 - 10135 Torino (TO) Italy
> Tel: +39-0114474065       Fax:+39-0114305886
> Key Fingerprint = 9D57 06EA 3EE3 C191 BDA0
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              Stefano Buelow
LogX s.a.s.        stefano.buelow[at] Traiano 64/14 - 10135 Torino (TO) Italy
Tel: +39-0114474065       Fax:+39-0114305886

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