[Evolution] editing subject line in custom views

hi evo list,

i have a small irritant and i'm wondering whether it's the kind of thing
i might be able to write a plugin to fix.  i filter most list messages
to list-specific folders, so generally when i navigate to a folder i
know which list a mail comes from.  often the subject headings on these
mails are prefaced by the name of the list in brackets, e.g.:

[linux-audio-user] ALSA problem

or some such.  

in the views i find most convenient to use, the subject line generally
isn't long enough to display much more than that bracketed expression.
I'd like to have a  view which removes the bracketed bit from the
subject line when displaying the message.  If that's impossible, I'd go
as far as to edit the actually subject line itself (though it'd be nice
to be able to toggle back and forth between views).  Would this kind of
manipulation be relatively easy to pull off?  and can you point me to a
starting point for something like this? 

thanks very much,


Matt Price
History Dept
University of Toronto
matt price utoronto ca

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