Re: [Evolution] Show embedded pictures in email?

On Wed, 2007-05-30 at 11:10 -0400, Patrick M. Kelecy wrote:
I'm using Evolution 2.8.2 and often get email with embedded pictures
(such as eBay watch notices, etc).  Right now the pictures just appear
as a box with a red "x" in it.  Is there anyway to actually display the
picture, like MS Outlook does?

Thanks for the help!

Hi, Pat.

Are you sure they're embedded and not linked?  Embedded pictures show up
fine here.  Evo, by default, does not download pictures from the
internet, because that's a common way for spammers to know that an
actual person is reading a given email.  You can load images in a
particular email with View -> Load Images (or ctrl-I).


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