Re: [Evolution] documentation / details

Title: RE: [Evolution] documentation / details

There have been a few replies to this, saying exchange works, but simply saying it works doesn't really help.
Is that a local exchange server or remote?
I have the problem of exchange being remote and also being a shared / hosted exchange server.

I don't have an option to put in the URL of the OWA so it cannot find the server.
Given that there are no docs for anything past version 2.4 can anyone shed any light on the difference in the exchange config area as my dialog boxes for exchange access don't match the documentation.

Altogether, i think that the exchange side of things is both flakey and massively under documented.
Additionally i think that the lack of a decent alternative to exchange and the lack of desire to make use of exchange is what is keeping companies from using linux on the desktop ... it is certainly the only thing stopping the company where i work moving over.

Although i love linux on the desktop, i cannot see it ever conquering the desktop with basic issues like this still existing.
I have been trying to find an alternative to Outlook Web Access for 8 weeks now... its really quite an embarrassment to linux as a whole in my view.

Jeremy Manser
Senior Applications Developer
Email: Jeremy freeads co uk

-----Original Message-----
From: Reid Thompson [mailto:Reid Thompson ateb com]
Sent: Wed 5/23/2007 2:17 PM
To: Jeremy Manser
Cc: evolution-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [Evolution] documentation  / details

On Tue, 2007-05-22 at 16:59 +0100, Jeremy Manser wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I am trying to figure out the evolution / exchange side of things.
> There does not seem to be any documentation on version 2.10 of
> evolution and the info in earlier documentation does not seem to apply
> to my version.
> I get the feeling i should give up on exchange based on reports on the
> web, but i signed up here hoping someone might shed some light.
> I am a linux user of many years so i happy to recompile anything to
> make this work, since the alternative is getting moved back to windoze
> at work.
> Thanks,
> Jeremy Manser
> Senior Applications Developer
> Email: Jeremy freeads co uk

2.10 and 2.11 ( svn ) both work via exchange for me.

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