[Evolution] Problem using Free/Busy meeting scheduling without a Groupware server


I am trying to schedule a meeting with Evolution 2.10.1 using the
free/busy feature. I am not using a groupware server. So far, I am not
having much luck. Let me explain what I did.

I have one Evolution setup that publishes its calender to a webdav
resource in the form of a free/busy calendar. That works very well, I
can see the vfb file appear on the webdav resource.

This file is available to other people via normal HTTP download. I can
download it with Firefox and see a content that looks like a free/busy
calendar, no problem.

Now I edited my own contact information in the Evolution installation at
my co worker, and put the free/busy URL into the contact information.
According to the Evolution manual, I should now be able to schedule a
meeting, adding me as a participant. The free/busy view should update
and should show when I am available. However, that is not the case. It
only shows that there is no free/busy information available for me.

Can someone confirm that what I am trying to do should actually work?
Has someone set this up successfully and can suggest what I should test
next to see where the problem is?

Kind Regards,

Robert Henschel

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