Re: [Evolution] Possible to run evolution without gnome-settings-daemon *and have* icons?

On Thu, 2006-11-16 at 18:10 +0100, Martin Bitter wrote:
Daag Edgar,

did you ever get an reasonalbel answer?
I've got the same problem.

Regards Martin

Am Mittwoch, den 02.08.2006, 22:09 +0200 schrieb Edgar Matzinger:

  is it possible to run evolution without the gnome-settings-daemon?

Yes, you would say, but then I don't see (hardly) any icons. Why I ask?
Check for hicolor-icon-theme and gnome-icon-theme package on syste,/

I do not use gnome to login into my system, but ssh. Using a regular
Most newer gnome app are migrating to usage of dbus. It is preferable to
keep this service running.

X-server. No gnome in sight. Can evolution load a default set of icons?
It should. 

MTIA, cu l8r, Edgar.

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