Re: [Evolution] replying to mailsts

hi michael,

Am Mittwoch, den 15.11.2006, 15:39 -0500 schrieb Michael Klinosky:
Here's another user-friendliness feature. Some maillists confuse the
email client's reply function - i.e., their From: is the human that
created the post, as opposed to the maillist. (This maillist is an
hmm, if you refer to the "reply-to" information, feel free to complain
to the people that run that specific mailing list, if you think that
it's a bug. i guess there's no chance at all for evolution to find this
out on its own.

Does Evo have a mechanism to work around that?
"control+l" is "reply to list", i always use that when answering to
mailing list postings. :-)


 mailto:ak-47 gmx net | failed!

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